Hostess with the Mostest

Hostess with the Mostest

Long time attendee, first time bridal shower host? We've got you covered! Here are a few helpful hints to make the party go off without a hitch!

Ask the bride for the invitation list-  It’s never a good idea to assume anyone is invited to the wedding, and therefor should be invited to the shower you are planning- even if it’s your roommate! Your guest list thoughts, besides the total number that will fit in a certain space, are completely irrelevant. Remember you are hosting her shower, not your own.

Keep the party moving - Make a timeline and try to stick with it. If you are opening presents assign someone to bring the bride the gift, put the trash in a bag and then swap for the next present. If your bride is fumbling with a response to something, jump in there with some thoughtful and gracious compliment of the gift, take it from her hands and move on to the next.


Keep track of the gift list for thank you notes - Someone should be taking notes on who gave the bride what gift. Let this task fall to the one with the most legible handwriting and the least amount of drinks! It can be funny, but also really awkward when your bride can read a word of what they wrote! Bonus points if that person knows the majority of the guests names to start with.


Politely wrap it up - Your highest “standing only” shoes are killing your feet, the food has been eaten, the presents have been opened and everyone is still lingering and throwing back the white wine. Congratulate yourself on throwing a shower people enjoyed! Party favors are something that can fall by the wayside when budgets are getting stretched, but they are such a soft way to let people know it’s time to go. Pass around that platter of cellophane wrapped cookies in the shape of a giant diamond ring, or puppies,  and thank everyone so much for coming. You’ll be barefoot and draining the open bottle of rose in no time!


Fling Before the Ring

Fling Before the Ring

SOOOOO Many Gifts!

SOOOOO Many Gifts!